Seikido Philosophy: Student Code of Conduct
1. Never tire of learning, anywhere, any time; this is the secret of knowledge. Be eager to ask questions and learn. Appreciate the thrill of learning.
2. Be willing to sacrifice for the art and the instructor. Respect the skills you are learning, and the efforts it took to bring them to you.
3. Never be disrespectful to the instructor. Follow his/her instructions to the best of your ability.
4. Always be loyal to the instructor and the teaching methods. If you disagree with any procedure or technique, discuss it privately with the instructor.
5. Practice what you learn and try to perfect your techniques to the best of your abilities. This includes spare time in the gym, and regularly doing conditioning exercises at home on off days.
6. Discard any techniques you have learned from another school if your instructor disapproves of it.
7. Always set a good example for lower belts. Be aware that they will try to emulate senior students.
8. Help other students to learn and succeed. Recognize that you are all members of a strong group sharing common goals and interests.
9. Remember your conduct inside and outside the gym reflects upon the art and the instructor. Keep in mind that you can not discard your responsibility for the martial arts skills which you have learned, wherever you go.
10. Behave honorably. Never be impolite. Try to live by the tenets which guide the art: courtesy, integrity, self control, and perseverance.
Student Rules
Proper etiquette is an essential part of your training. Please observe the following rules seriously:
1. Bow to the front upon entering or leaving the gym.
2. Bow when first meeting an Instructor.
3. Address the Instructor as "Sir".
4. Answer clearly with "Yes Sir!" when your name is called or when you are asked to line up.
5. Keep your uniform clean and complete at all times.
6. Keep fingernails and toenails neatly trimmed.
7. No shoes, hats, jewellery, gum, food or drink in the gym.
8. No loud talking, profanity, horseplay, or running games in the gym or the halls.
9. Always treat other persons and their property with courtesy and respect, inside or outside the gym.
10. Sit crossed-legged or in kneeling position. Avoid sitting with your back to the Instructor, or with legs stretched out. No lying on the floor or leaning on walls.
11. Keep quiet while the Instructor is speaking or demonstrating techniques.
12. Remember you are here to learn. A respectful, humble, and receptive attitude toward the art and your instructor's efforts to teach you is advised.
13. Carry out the instructor's directives promptly, do not keep the rest of the class waiting for you.
14. If you are having trouble learning a technique, first try to figure it out by watching others, then raise your hand or approach the Instructor for help.
15. Do not teach any techniques without the instructor's permission to do so.
16. Set a good example for the other students, especially for lower belts.
17. Be on time, warm up or practice before class begins. If you arrive late, sit stretching your legs quietly on the floor at the back of the gym until the Instructor grants permission for you to join the class.
18. Request permission from the Instructor if you have to leave the gym for any reason before class ends.
19. You are responsible for your guests. During class they may observe quietly on the seats provided in the gym, and leave during breaks or at the end of class.
20. Notify the Instructor if you are unable to attend for more than one week.
21. Please pay your membership dues promptly, at the beginning of the term.
22. Never misuse the techniques which are taught. Seikido techniques are not to be used outside the gym unless your safety or the safety of others with you is in jeopardy. Your conduct reflects upon the art and the Instructor.
Part 5: Tenets of Seikido