Seikido Instructors: Grand Master Zivorad (Zeke) Petkovic
Position: Promoted to Grand Master December 2008. Awarded Eighth Dan, Seikido, by the members and senior instructors of the World Seikido organization in London , Ontario, Canada, November 28th 2009. Member of Forest City Tae Kwon Do Club, a non profit corporation registered with the Province of Ontario. Senior Instructor at the following martial arts schools:
Experience: Presently: Teaching self defense for City of London Recreation department programs since 1988. Studying at Toronto Seishinkai (Hombu) Dojo, Toronto, Ontario . Awarded Seventh Dan by the members and instructors of the Seikido Organization in Ontario in the Spring of 2006. 1986-1990 Studied under Master Jung Kook Kim, 6th Dan (Ji Do Kwon style), member of the World Tae Kwon Do Federation, former World Champion, at Korean Martial Arts Centre, London, Ontario. Received Fourth Dan from Master Kim in January 1989. 1977-1986 Studied under Master Hong Sung In, 8th Dan, at Hong's Tae Kwon Do Institute, London, Ontario. Assistant Instructor at Hong's Main School, downtown London. Received Third Dan from Master Hong in 1986. Received Second Dan from Un Yong Kim, President of the Kuk-Ki-Won, World Tae Kwon Do Federation Headquarters, Seoul, Korea, 1983. Received First Dan from General Choi Hong Hi, President of the International Tae Kwon Do Federation, and founder of modern Tae Kwon Do, Toronto, Ontario, in 1980. Competed in North American Regional and Ontario Provincial tournament competitions. Judge and Referee at numerous local Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and other martial arts tournaments. 1969-1975 Trained under Master Milosh Pavlovic (5th Dan, Hombu style) in Belgrad, Yugoslavia. Received First Dan in Hombu Aikido, 1975. Co-author of the "Seikido Instructors Manual", a comprehensive manual setting out the history and philosophy of Seikido, its origins in older oriental martial arts; the scientific basis of specific techniques and their application; and teaching methods to be followed by all instructors. The manual prescribes particular self defence techniques to be taught at individual belt which were developed by Grand Master Petkovic. |
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