Toi-Gye KATA
Red Belt Pattern:
Is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th. century AD), an authority on Neo-Confucianism. The movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 degrees latitude, the diagram ( ± ) represents "Scholar".
Movement Picture Description
TGmap TGPic 1. Begin in Close Ready Stance B (Holding sword with forearms parallel to floor) at C facing D.
TGmap TGPic 2. Move the left foot to left sparring stance to B with left inner forearm side block.
TGmap TGPic 3. Slip the left foot to a left walking stance to B with a right upset spear hand thrust, bringing the left fist to the front of the right shoulder.
TGmap TGPic 4. Slowly bring the left foot to the right foot to form a close stance toward D while executing a right outer forearm side block and a left outer forearm low block (all in slow motion.)
TGmap TGPic 5. Move the right foot to right sparring stance to A with right inner forearm side block.
TGmap TGPic 6. Slip the right foot to right walking stance to A with left upset spear hand thrust, bringing the right fist to the front of the left shoulder.
TGmap TGPic 7. Slowly bring the right foot to the left foot to form a close stance toward D while executing a left outer forearm side block and a right outer forearm low block (all in slow motion).
TGmap TGPic 8. Move the left foot to left walking stance to D with a fist crossing downward X-pressing block; immediately
TGmap TGPic 9. High vertical fist twin punch to D, maintaining left walking stance.
TGmap TGPic 10. Right front snap kick to D.
TGmap TGPic 11. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to D with right middle punch, Immediately... Left middle punch.
TGmap TGPic 12. Slowly bring the left foot to the right foot as pivot left on the right foot to form a close stance facing toward F, at the same time bringing both fists to the side of the hips simultaneously (all in slow motion).
TGmap TGPic 13. Right high crescent kick to F as raise both arms to a twin outer forearm W-shape block facing F.
TGmap TGPic 14. Lower the right foot to F in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward C with a twin inner forearm W-block.
TGmap TGPic 15. Left high crescent kick to F as raise both arms to a twin outer forearm W-shape block facing F.
TGmap TGPic 16. Lower the left foot to F in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward D with a twin inner forearm W-block.
TGmap TGPic 17. Pivot right on right foot with left high crescent kick to E as raise both arms to twin outer forearm W-block facing E.
TGmap TGPic 18. Lower the left foot to E in a stamping motion to a sitting stance toward C with a twin inner forearm W-block.
TGmap TGPic 19. Right high crescent kick to E as raise both arms to a twin outer forearm W-shape block facing E.
TGmap TGPic 20. Lower the right foot to E in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward D with a twin inner forearm W-block.
TGmap TGPic 21. Pivot right on right foot with left high crescent kick to E as raise both arms to twin outer forearm W-block facing E
TGmap TGPic 22. Lower the left foot to E in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward C with a twin inner forearm W-block.
TGmap TGPic 23. Pivot left on right foot as move left foot to left walking stance to C with left low forearm block , immediately...
TGmap TGPic 24. Slip the left foot to left walking stance to D while extending both hands as if to grab the opponent's head.
TGmap TGPic 25. Right upward knee smash as pull both hands downward at the same time.
TGmap TGPic 26. Lower the right foot beside the left foot, then pivot left on right foot as move the left foot to left sparring stance to C with left knife hand guarding block.
TGmap TGPic 27. Left front snap kick to C.
TGmap TGPic 28. Lower the left foot to a left walking stance to C with left high fingertip thrust.
TGmap TGPic 29. Move the right foot to a right sparring stance to C with a right knife hand guarding block.
TGmap TGPic 30. Right front snap kick to C.
TGmap TGPic 31. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to C with right high fingertip thrust.
TGmap TGPic 32. Move the right foot back toward C to form a left sparring stance with a right high back fist strike to C and a left outer forearm low block to D.
TGmap TGPic 33. Jump to C to a right X-stance facing A
TGmap TGPic 34. with a fist crossing downward X-pressing block.
TGmap TGPic 35. Move right foot to right walking stance to C with right double inner forearm block.
TGmap TGPic 36. Pivot left on right foot as move the left foot to left sparring stance to B with a left twin low knife hand guarding block.
TGmap TGPic 37. Move the left foot to left diagonal stance to B with right forearm circular block twisting upper body to facing D.
TGmap TGPic 38. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to a right sparring stance to A with a right twin low knife hand guarding block.
TGmap TGPic 39. Move the right foot to right diagonal stance toward A with left forearm circular block twisting upper body to facing D. Twist left to left diagonal stance to D with right forearm circular block. Twist right to right diagonal stance toward A with left forearm circular block twisting upper body to facing D.
TGmap TGPic 40. Move the right foot on line AB to a sitting stance facing D with a right middle punch (Ki-hap!).
TGmap TGPic 41. End. Bring the right foot back to close ready stance B.
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