Dan Geun KATA
Yellow Stripe Pattern:
Is named after the Holy Dan Guen, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 BC.
Movement Picture Description
dgmap DGpic 1. Begin in parallel ready stance at C facing D.
dgmap DGpic 2. Move the left foot to left sparring stance to B with left knife hand guarding block; B-C-A
dgmap DGpic 3. Move the right foot to right walking stance to B with right high punch to B.
dgmap DGpic 4. Turn right and move the right foot to right sparring stance to A with right knife hand guarding block.
dgmap DGpic 5. Move the left foot to left walking stance to A with left high punch to A.
dgmap DGpic 6. Move the left foot to left walking stance to D with left forearm low block.
dgmap DGpic 7. Move the right foot to right walking stance to D with right high punch.
dgmap DGpic 8. Move the left foot to left walking stance to D with left high punch.
dgmap DGpic 9. Move the right foot to right walking stance to D with right high punch (Ki-hap!).
dgmap DGpic 10. Turn left pivoting on the right foot and move the left foot to left sparring stance to E with twin forearm block (left outer forearm, right high block).
dgmap DGpic 11. Move the right foot to right walking stance to E with right high punch.
dgmap DGpic 12. Turn right pivoting on the left foot and move right foot to right sparring stance to F with twin forearm block.
dgmap DGpic 13. Move the left foot to left walking stance to F with left high punch.
dgmap DGpic 14. Move the left foot to left walking stance to C with left forearm low block, immediately left forearm high block to C, remaining in left walking stance.
dgmap DGpic 15. Move the right foot to right walking stance to C with right forearm high block.
dgmap DGpic 16. Move the left foot to left walking stance to C with left forearm high block.
dgmap DGpic 17. Move the right foot to right walking stance to C with right forearm high block.
dgmap DGpic 18. Turn left pivoting on the right foot and move the left foot to left sparring stance to B with left middle knife hand strike to B.
dgmap DGpic 19. Move the right foot to right walking stance to B with right high punch.
dgmap DGpic 20. Turn right pivoting on the left foot and move the right foot right sparring stance to A with right middle knife hand strike to A.
dgmap DGpic 21. Move the left foot to left walking stance to A with left high punch (Ki-hap!).Bring the left foot back to parallel ready stance facing D.

Created by XSystyms © Copyright 1996